This unit is designed for the 6th grade.
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Summary: In this lesson, students will be introduced to the color wheel and color characteristics. They will see how color schemes are applied to artistic design. Students will create and label their own color wheel. Students will also create a simple water color painting to demonstrate color schemes and develop painting techniques.
Background: It is helpful for students to have some experience using a ruler and compass.
Objectives: In this lesson students will further develop motor skills in handling a ruler, compass, and painting materials. They will learn how to divide a circle into 12 sections.
Students will follow directions to include using design methods from previous lessons and important steps in assignments given.
Students will experience the creative process in designing a simple drawing for use in their project.
Vocabulary: These words/concepts may arise during discussion:
Teaching Materials/Resources: You may use some or all of these options.
Access to the pages accompanying this lesson. Use links at the bottom of this page to locate other pages designed for this lesson.
Slides, videos, posters or other reproductions for use as examples of color schemes.
Other online sites with examples. Books, magazines and other articles on color.
Samples of work by other students.
Student Materials/Resources:
Set up: Organize materials for presentations, demonstration and student studio.
Activity 1: (1 class period.) Presentation: (See color information from link below) Go over the color wheel and characteristics of color. Break during the presentation at varying times to discuss vocabulary and how artists use color in their work. Show examples of other student work.
Activity 2: (1 class period) Color wheel worksheet: Using a 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of copier paper, have students measure from the bottom of their paper to form an 8-1/2" square. Demonstrate how to find the center of a square. Review how to hold and use a compass and set the measurement at 3-1/2". Have students draw their circle. Demonstrate how to divide a circle and have students divide and label theirs.
(2 class periods) Have students color in their wheels with colored pencils. Remind them of shading evenly and intensity.
Activity 3: (1-2 class periods) Color scheme painting: Discuss using simplified drawings. Use 8-10 basic shapes (areas). Avoid extremely small areas. Keep design within 1/2" of the paper's edge. Have students create their layout on 8-1/2" x 11" copier paper. This is their layout.
(1 class period) Review color schemes. Have students chose their scheme and write it on their layout. Demonstrate how to transfer designs and have students transfer their designs to their water color paper.
(2-3 class periods) Demonstrate how to paint wet on dry and a water color wash. Demonstrate how to mix paints and apply them with the tip of the brush. Also demonstrate how to remove excess water/paint with a Kleenex and how to keep paints from running together. Have students paint their designs.
(1 class period) Trim student work and cut colored construction paper to fit their paintings. Have students mount their work.
Activity 4: (portion of a class period or in with other quiz questions) Quiz: Students are given a written quiz to test their knowledge of perspective. They should have a ruler handy for this activity.
Students were graded on the following criteria:
Standards: National Standards for the Arts - Visual Arts - Grades 5-8.
1. Content Standard #1: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes.
Achievement Standard: Students select media, techniques, and processes; analyze what makes them effective or not effective in communicating ideas; and reflect upon the effectiveness of their choices
2. Content Standard #2: Using knowledge of structures and functions.
Achievement Standard: Students generalize about the effects of visual structures and functions and reflect upon these effects in their own work
Achievement Standard: Students employ organizational structures and analyze what makes them effective or not effective in the communication of ideas
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Unit6:Color | Color | Make a Color Wheel |
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