Art Smart is a part of Fintragh Dragana. Both are newly created and we ask your patience as they form.

Properties of Design

These are what artists draw from to create art.

The elements are the tools we use to create art. They are color, line, shape, value, texture, and form. Artists may use some or all of these in their work.

The principles are the ways artist use the elements. These are balance, proportion, emphasis, movement, repetition, and unity.


Subject matter is the way we may look at an entire piece. There are three main categories. Subjective, Abstract, and non-objective.

Content is the overall meaning of a work. What we read into it. There are many including religion, fantasy, records, genre', commercial, and mood.

Style is a way to categorize artist who paint in a similar manner. There are quite a few including impressionism, surrealism, primative, and optical.

How an artist applies or works with a media is called technique. Some of these are painting, montage, sculpture, photography, drawing, and silk screen.

The materials the artist uses is called media. This can be painting in oils, water color or acrylics. It could also be clay, ink, fabrics or even junk.


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