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Art Smart
Lesson Plans And Activities For Grades 6 - 8
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Prehistoric Art
Cave Painting in Conte' Crayon
Egyptian Art
Egyptian Drawing in Colored Pencil
Creating a Clay Cartouche
Elements of Design
Create a Color Wheel
Color Scheme Painting in Water Color
Line Worksheet
Shape Worksheet
Creating Patterns in Colored Pencil
Value Scale
Mass Worksheet
Texture Worksheet
Space Worksheet
Simple Perspective Drawing
Illustrating Zork
Cartoon Worksheets (2 parts)
Create a Cartoon
Principles of Design
Principle Cards
Balance Worksheet
Making a Balance Wheel in Colored Markers
Figure Proportion Worksheet
Figure Drawing (2 part) in Colored Pencil
Facial Proportion Worksheet
Police Sketches
Self Portrait in Pastels
Emphasis Worksheet
Creature Feature in Water Color
Repitition Worksheet
Illumination Design
Movement Worksheet
Impressionist Painting in Acrylics
Stillife in Colored Inks
Drawing buildings in perspective
Creating perspective with PSP
Face Sketch
Figure Sketch
Pop Can Sketch
Insect Sketch
Fabric Sketch
Metal Sketch
Glass Sketch
Hand Sketch
Comic Strips
Properties of Design
Subject Matter Display in Colored Pencil
2 Pt. Perspective Worksheet
3 Pt. Perspective Worksheet
Creating a Space Station
Modern Art
Modern Art Quest
Blind Contour
Cubism Painting in Water color
Surrealism Painting in Acrylics
Op (Optical) Art
Kenetic Op Drawings in Markers
Op Art Web Quest
Fantasy and Facial Profile
Aliens in Colored Pencil
Plant Sketch
Room Sketch
Hand/Object Sketch
Well Sketch
Coat Sketch
Eagle Eye Sketch
POV (point of view) Sketch
This section is still being developed.
Creating Webpage Images
Creating Images on PSP
Creating Animated Images
Creating Thumbnail Images
Created 09/29/01 Updated 07/10/02