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Lesson Plans and Activities

This unit is designed for the 8th grade Graphic Technology Class.

Unit: Images

Summary Introduction Preparation
Procedure Evaluation Standards

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Summary: In these lessons, students will be introduced to various forms of creating and adding images to their webpages.

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Background: It is helpful for students to have some knowledge of design.

Objectives: Students will learn to use simple graphic programs for creating images. They will learn a little HTML (a computer language for developing web pages) and how to add and manipulate images on their web page.

Students will follow directions to include using design methods from previous lessons and important steps in assignments given.

Students will experience the creative process in designing a simple drawing for use in their project.

Vocabulary: These words/concepts may arise during discussion:

  • CGI (Computer Graphic Imagery
  • gif
  • jpg
  • bmp
  • thumbnail
  • image link
  • animation
  • banner
  • tab
  • button
  • bar
  • brackets
  • resizing
  • rotating
  • cropping
  • pixals
  • tags
  • color codes

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Teaching Materials/Resources: You may use some or all of these options.

Access to the pages accompanying this lesson. Use links at the bottom of this page to locate other pages designed for this lesson.

Slides, videos, posters or other reproductions for use as examples of graphic images.

Other online sites with examples. Books, magazines and other articles on graphics.

Samples of work by other students.

Student Materials/Resources: Each lesson will list specific materials needed. General needs for this unit are:

  • Graphic art program such as Paint Shop Pro
  • Location for building web pages
  • floppy disc
  • pencil

Set up: Organize materials for presentations, demonstration and student studio.

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Activity 1: (2 class periods) Creating a simple PSP image: Review basic design and create a logo for their web page and video using Paint Shop Pro (or other graphic program)

Activity 2: (2 class periods) Create an Animated image: Using Animation Workshop students will create a small animation with text included.

(1 class period) Students will be shown how to add the logo and animation to their web page.

Activity 3: (1-2 class periods) Creating Thumbnails: Students will create thumbnail images to link to larger images and add them to their webpage. They will also learn how to crop an image.

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Students would be graded on the following criteria:

  • Following directions.
  • Proper use of equipment.
  • Originality in created works.
  • Completion of assignments on time.
  • Proper design techniques.
  • Overall neatness and esthetic value.
  • Putting their materials away properly.
  • Following individual lesson requirements.

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Standards: National Standards for the Arts - Visual Arts - Grades 5-8.

1. Content Standard #1: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes .

Achievement Standard: Students select media, techniques, and processes; analyze what makes them effective or not effective in communicating ideas; and reflect upon the effectiveness of their choices

2. Content Standard #2: Using knowledge of structures and functions.

Achievement Standard: Students generalize about the effects of visual structures and functions and reflect upon these effects in their own work

Achievement Standard: Students employ organizational structures and analyze what makes them effective or not effective in the communication of ideas

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Unit GTU8:Images Creating a Simple Graphic Create an Animation
Create Thumbnails ********** Graphics Quiz

Created 07/07/02
Updated 07/10/02

email Fintragh Dragana