
(Amen, Amon, Ammon, Amoun)

The one believed to be ruler of all the gods.

"King of the Gods"

"The Hidden One"

"Vizier of the Poor"

Amun is usually shown as human, wearing an ostrich plumed hat and sporting a long beard. (The beard is a symbol of power). At times he may have the head of a ram or be represented in other forms.

He is considered one of the most powerful gods. Even more so after he joined with his son and became Amun-ra.

Amun protected the weak from the strong and upheld justice. Those requesting favors of Amun must first prove their worthiness or at least confess their sins.

Many considered him a 'self-created' god.

Amun was represented in five forms:

  • When seen seated on the throne, it is as a man holding a scepter in one hand and the ankh in the other.
  • As a man with the head of a cobra (uraeus).
  • As a man with the head of a frog.
  • As an ape.
  • As a lion crouched upon a pedestal

Symbols: ram, goose, bull

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