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[ HOME:Images ][ Creating A Simple Animation ][ Sample Animations ]

Lesson Plans and Activities

Sample Animations

Animations can be a fun addition to a web page. But remember that graphics can take a long time to load and animations can take even longer. The trick is not to have too many animation if you can help it. If you do find the need to have several graphics or images on a page you should have enough material to read so that your viewer is kept interested while he/she waits for the graphics to load.

This page is designed specifically to show animated graphics. You'll notice that it may be taking much longer to load than most pages. If you don't empty your temperary file folder you may find that this page will load a little faster the next time you view it. The reason for this is that every time you view a webpage all the files contained in that page are downloaded into a temperary file folder in your computer. This allows you to view the page. If you leave the page and come back to it you would notice that it reappears instantly. However most computers are set to empty the temperary file folder on a regular basis. Some may even do so every time you shut your computer down. This means you would again have to wait for the files to download again the next time you return to that page.

Those who are truly interested in computer graphics and visit many pages of this type tend to learn patience in waiting for such pages to appear.

Below are several examples of animated graphics. Most were generated on PSP, otherwise known as Paint Shop Pro. Next to each animation you will find a brief description of how the animation was made.

Animated Graphic

This animation was used on the Creating An Animation Page. The idea is to make it look like a simple object is moving across the screen to spell out a word. A key point is to create enough frames and move your object in small incriments so that it appears to move smoothly.

This is a similar Animation. Notice that the background color of the image is the same as the web page. This makes the image appear to be floating. Also take note how the shadow is manipulated to appear in sync with each letter.

Animated Graphic

Animated Graphic

This animation was created as a signature for a character. The face was taken from an artist's painting. Whenever you use someone elses work you should make sure they are credited by including their name on the image. It is also wise to add a link to the artist's web page, if he/she has one. Because we don't wish for you to be detracted on this lesson we have left it off this page.

In this animation the dragon was a short animation to begin with. The background was made transparent in each frame and rotated into each new image to give the impression he is flying. The dragon image was not only moved about the each frame but the image was mirrored to change the direction he is facing.

This is another adaptation from artwork. The image was cropped from the original work and a border added. In each new frame the sky was manipulated to look slightly different. This was done by using the smudge tool and gives the effect that the clouds may be moving. The horn and claw were traced using the freehand tool, cut and copied, the cut was deleted and the copy pasted as a new selection. It was then rotated and positioned slightly different in each frame. After it is in place then the select none option was used and the background smudged to fill in the empty area. The eye was done by adding small dots of color in each frame. The flames were done by adding strokes of color and smudging them in different directions to look like flames. As the frames progressed the flames were drawn out further.

Animated Graphic

Animated Graphic... Animated Graphic

Animated Graphic... Animated Graphic

Animation Shop has an effect button where transitions can be used as part of the animation. The top left image is using the rotating color transition. The top right image is using the spin transition. The bottom left image is using the stained glass transition. And the bottom right image is using the spiral transition.

This was a fairly simple image to create. Working in much the same way as we did building our logos, each step of building the logo was saved as a seperate frame. Some frames were repeated to give the appearance of blinking.

Animated Graphic

These are just a few examples of what can be done with animated images. It's a good idea to keep your first attempt fairly simple. Once you've succeeded in creating your first animation you should experiment with the tools at hand. There are many other graphic programs that can help you make even more elaborate animations than these.

Created 07/10/02
Updated 07/11/02

Email me at: jhuntington@spbs.net
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