Art Smart is a part of Fintragh Dragana. Both are newly created and we ask your patience as they form.


Style is a way to categorize artists who paint in a similar manner.

Realism is a style in which the subject matter within a work of art is realistic. Somewhat lifelike. More detail is seen.

Impressionism is a study of light often using small brush strokes that may not be noticed at a distance. Stippling is a form of Impressionism.


The 'Fauves', which means wild beast, painted in bright colors with bold brush strokes. They often painted exotic scenes.

Cubism is an abstraction using various geometric shapes in the design. Most of these paintings appear distorted.

Expressionism is painting with extreme emotions represented in the subject matter. The artist wants you to expierence strong feelings.

Surrealism is painting as if the subject matter is a dream. Some artist painted as if they had nightmares.

Pop-Art or popular art took on an almost commercial look. Many argued if it were really art at all. Oversized objects surfaced in most works in Pop-Art.

Op-Art or optical art often tricks the eye. Some op-art is considered kinetic as it seems to be moving when you look at it.


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