Art Smart is a part of Fintragh Dragana. Both are newly created and we ask your patience as they form.

Principles of Design

These are the way we use the elements (tools) to create art.

Balance is the equal distribution of any elements within a work of art. Sometimes artists will not use balance in order to make you feel uneasy.

Proportion is the size relationship of things. How tall should a man be standing next to a house. It can also be proper measurement of a figure.


Emphasis is the focal point or center point of interest in a work. This is the area where the artist wishes you to see the most.

Movement can be how your eye moves through a painting or how the artists shows motion. Brush strokes can make waves look like they are crashing.

Repetition is repeating one or more elements in a work. The artist might repeat a motif which is any simple design or pattern.

Unity is how the artist brings the elements and principles into a complete composition. This helps make the piece pleasing to look at.


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