Art Smart is a part of Fintragh Dragana. Both are newly created and we ask your patience as they form.


This is the message or theme within a work of art.

Commercial art is basically that which is designed to sell a product or service. It can also sell an idea. Graphic arts are often commercial.

Cultural art is representative of a culture or period in time that stands out from the norm. Native American, Celtic, Egyptian, Oriental, etc.


Fantasy is that which seems to be from a dream. Things that may not be real such as dragons, sci-fi, monsters, and the like.

Functional art is that which serves a purpose such as a decorated pot or a leather tooled bag. Fashion, quilts, and archetecture are functional.

Genre'is a french word meaning 'everyday life'. A boy fishing, a girl picking flowers, and a woman baking bread are examples of genre'.

Illustrations are usually drawings that tell a story or give a visual description of something. Designers often do illustrations. They are often seen in children's books as well.

A mood painting is one that reflects an emotion or feeling. A photo of a man screaming or a non-objective painting in bright colors.

Political art usually makes a statement. A painting of a flag might make you feel patriotic while one showing the devistation of war might show the artist's protest.

A painting or sculpture can record what someone looks like or a special event. A portrait is an example as is that of a famous battle.

Religious paintings can represent many faiths. Most contain some symbolism but the theme for these is usually obvious.

Scenic paintings are those representing landscapes, seascapes, and cityscapes. A sunset on the ocean or the forrest in the morning.

A still-life is a painting of mostly inanimate objects arranged in a pleasing way. A bowl of fruit, a flower arrangement or a group of boxes.

Symbolic paintings contain symbolic items within them. For instance a crown may represent royalty and a 'smiley' happiness.

Wildlife paintings are those which contain mostly things from nature. Geese flying over a lake or a fawn nestled next to it's mother.


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