Art Smart is a part of Fintragh Dragana. Both are newly created and we ask your patience as they form.


How artists apply or work with media.

Drawing or sketching on any surface using a fairly ridged material. Pencils, pens, chalk, and even stone can be used.

Paint or some inks are usually applied with a brush or other soft material to help control the flow of the paint onto any surface.


A montage or collage are means of applying non-traditional materials to a painting. A mosaic is arranging small pieces of colored materials into a design.

Photography and film making are techniques using special equipment such as a camera, camcorder or other recording devices.

Sculpture is carving away portions of any material to subtract unwanted areas. What is left is the finished work of art.

Structural is adding or molding materials into a solid form. This could be constructing a building or creating a bust out of clay.

Graphics may include drawing and painting but they also are varied such as silk screening and designing with computer graphics.

Crafters are those who do needlework, leather crafts, glass blowing, jewelry design, casting, and a wide variety of other such techniques.


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